Cypon Syrup

Original price was: ₹124.Current price is: ₹104.8800.

Manufacturer: Geno Pharmaceuticals Ltd Salt Compositions: Cyproheptadine (2mg/5ml) + Tricholine Citrate (275mg/5ml) + Sorbitol (2gm/5ml)
Quantity: 200 ml in 1 bottle
Storage: Store below 30°C


Information about Cypon Syrup

Cypon Syrup is a synthesis of Tricholine, Cyproheptadine, and Sorbitol. It is an appetite enhancer that helps to treat the loss of appetite (hunger). It is also beneficial in enhancing metabolism and preventing constipation.

Cypon Syrup Uses

  • Treats Loss of Appetite

Cypon Syrup Benefits

In the Treatment of Appetite Loss

  • Ingredients of Cypon Syrup are helpful in treating loss of appetite.
  • It works by reducing the effect of chemical messengers responsible for controlling hunger.
  • It improves food consumption and relieves constipation, supporting digestive health.
  • It promotes the urge to eat and controls malnutrition.

Cypon Syrup Side Effects

Users might initially experience some side effects after consuming Cypon Syrup, but they will resolve with time when their body adjusts. You must consult your medical advisor if you notice any consequences for a more extended period.

Here is a list of a few adverse aftereffects of consuming Cypon Syrup:

  • Dryness in mouth
  • Constipation
  • Drowsiness
  • Blurred vision
  • Sleepiness

How to use Cypon Syrup

Follow the doctor’s direction to consume Cypon Syrup in a safe manner. Also, check the label carefully for the direction of use.

  • Shake the bottle well before using it.
  • According to the doctor’s instructions, you must take Cypon Syrup with or without food. 
  • Pour the syrup into the measuring cup in the amount your medical practitioner suggests.
  • Take the Cypon Syrup at the same time to maintain a sufficient gap between the doses.

Caution: Tell your healthcare professional if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medication for kidney illness, high blood pressure, eye problems, or heart disease.


Q1. Can the usage of Cypon Syrup cause mouth dryness?

Yes, using Cypon Syrup can make your mouth dry and change your taste. To prevent this side effect, drink plenty of water while consuming this syrup.

Q2. Can using Cypon Syrup cause dizziness?

Yes, in some users, consuming Cypon syrup may cause dizziness and make you feel sleepy, weak, and tired.  Therefore, you must take a break after consuming this syrup and then continue your daily activities.

Q3. What are the storage guidelines for Cypon Syrup?

You must keep the Cypon Syrup in its original packet and store it according to the instructions on its label. Make sure to keep it away from the reach of pets and children.

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