Menarche And Menopause: The Lifespan Of Your Cycle

Menarche And Menopause
Blogs Feb 22
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You must have surely remembered the time when you got your first period. Some of you believe it to be the dreadful D-day that continues to haunt you every month since the time it showed up. Since it is an essential part of a woman’s life, there is much to learn about it. In this article, you will discover how your menstrual cycle works, the mysteries of Menarche and Menopause, and the wonders that happen inside the female body. Altogether, It will empower you to embrace your cycle and keep note of things you won’t want to miss. 

Understanding The Menstrual Cycle

Between Menarche and menopause comes the menstrual cycle. Each month, the female body forms eggs in the ovaries that mature by the estrogen hormone. When you are halfway through your cycle, a mature egg releases into the fallopian tube for fertilization. When fertilization doesn’t happen, the thick lining of the uterus formed for reproduction is not needed anymore and sheds with blood, which you call a “Period.”

Many confuse menstrual cycle with periods and sometimes use these terms interchangeably. But these two terms mean different things.

The Menstrual Cycle

Your “Menstrual Cycle” is the duration from the beginning of your period to the time your next period comes. Your “Period” is a part of your cycle that usually lasts 5 days, during which your body releases the unfertilized eggs.


Menarche, or your first period, enters you into the world of reproduction and tampons. During this phase, your body goes through several changes. Your mood bounces from being excited one moment to irritable the next. Your physical features develop, slowly transforming you from a girl to a young woman.

For every girl, the experience of getting her first period is different. It is the time when you were 12 years old that you were spooked by a sudden rush of blood from your body and got anxious about what exactly was happening. Perhaps it scared you when you were just 10. Or maybe you never got it until you were 15. Menarche is not the same for every girl. While simple for one, it could be complex for others. Here are some problems some girls face while going through their menstrual cycle.

Period Problems

Menarche and menopause not only bring a new phase in a woman’s life but also arrive with menstrual problems in some. You need not worry if your menstrual cycle lasts 21 to 35 days. However, if it is earlier or later than usual, painful, and uncomfortable, you must look if you have the following conditions.

Period Problems

Late Menarche

Menstruation is important for women, and if it doesn’t happen beyond 15 years of age, these factors may be your late menarche causes:

1. Being underweight or overweight: A healthy weight is important for having timely menarche and a regular cycle. If your weight is more or less than normal, it may affect your hormone levels and be the reason for late menarche.

2. Genetic influence: If your family has a history of getting periods late, chances are your first flow is late for this very reason.

3. Stress: No wonder today’s children take stress for several things that not only affect their periods but also deteriorate their overall health and mental well-being. If your stress is only increasing from your delayed periods, it may be time to check in with your inner space.

4. Intensive exercise: Exercise is vital for staying healthy. But you must know your body’s limits and when it needs rest. Putting too much pressure on your body affects the functioning of your hormones and can be the reason for delayed menarche.

5. Medicinal side-effects: One of the late menarche causes could be a side effect of specific medicines. Certain drugs disturb the hormonal balance and fluctuate your cycle.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Some women experience a group of uncomfortable symptoms before having their first period. These pre menarche symptoms could include bloating, fatigue, mood swings, irritability, acne, and food cravings. They can happen as frequently as before each period or very rarely as once in a while. 

Amenorrhea: If you have irregular periods after menarche, it could be due to Amenorrhea. Other than missed periods, you may experience hair loss, vision changes, headache, acne, Milky nipple discharge, and excess facial hair if you have amenorrhea. It could be due to natural events like pregnancy, genetic factors, hormonal imbalances, poor lifestyle, and more.


It is that phase in your life when you have to say goodbye to your monthly cycle for the rest of your life. It signifies the decline of your reproductive stage in which you stop getting your periods. It usually happens around the 40s and 50s. During this stage, your menstruation becomes infrequent and has a lighter and shorter flow until it stops completely.

Signs You Are Going To Lose Your Periods

As you reach the age of 40, you experience subtle changes in your body before your period completely fades out. The major change is the decline in estrogen levels. As you continue to age, you may experience symptoms such as vaginal dryness, dry skin, hot flashes, tender breasts, headache, reduced sex drive, increased urination, and more.

Changes From Menopause

Menarche and Menopause are natural phenomenons that allow women to transition from one phase to another phase of their lives. After discussing the potential problems a girl faces during menarche, it is time to shed some light on some inevitable changes women experience during menopause.

1. Osteoporosis: As the estrogen levels decrease, the bone density reduces rapidly, too. The bones become weak, and there are increased chances of bone injury and osteoporosis. Women must ensure they have enough calcium and vitamin D to prevent such health conditions.

2. Weight Gain: Menopause affects women’s metabolic functioning, making them burn fewer calories and gain weight faster. This increases the risk of getting type 2 diabetes in women going through menopause. In these circumstances, staying active and exercising helps manage weight.

3. Cardiovascular Disease: Estrogen is an essential hormone responsible for several heart functions. Due to menopause, this hormone begins to decline, which causes artery walls to thicken and increases the risk of heart problems in women, such as high blood pressure. Women must maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle to prevent heart problems.

4. Urinary Tract Infections: Estrogen keeps women’s vaginas clean and hygienic. However, during menopause, this sensitive part becomes dry and prone to bacteria. One must maintain proper hygiene, drink plenty of water, and wear comfortable underwear to prevent UTIs.

5. Hair Loss: Due to the drop in estrogen levels, women going through menopause may also experience hair loss. Eating a well-balanced diet and reducing stress from everyday life can somewhat help control hair loss.

Difference Between Menarche And Menopause

For women, Menarche and Menopause are two major events that mark a drastic shift in their lives. The two often accompany similar conditions like irregular periods, hormonal changes, and physical and emotional symptoms. But some things set them apart from each other.

Difference between Menarche and Menopause
Menarche refers to the beginning of reproductive life, usually between the ages of 11 and 14. During this phase, your estrogen levels increase. You go through mood swings, acne, and menstrual cramps. You can get a bit extra emotional and vulnerable while going through your first periods, but you need not worry as it is a normal and healthy part of growing up.Menopause marks the end of your reproductive health, during which your estrogen levels decrease.  It usually arrives between 45 and 55 years of age. You may experience symptoms like weakened bones, weight gain, loosened skin elasticity, and lack of sleep.


Is late menarche late menopause true?

According to scientific studies, no evidence suggests that late menarche causes late menopause.

What is the difference between menarche and menopause?

Both of them are two major life events in a woman’s life. A woman enters her fertility phase during menarche, and menopause concludes her reproductive life.

What are the pre menarche symptoms?

A girl may experience symptoms like bloating, pimples, abdominal pain, mood swings, irritability, and tiredness before getting her first period.

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