Vegan and vegetarian, both choose not to eat meat. However veganism is more strict than vegetarianism because it prohibits dairy products, honey and other products derived from animals. Both the diets are gaining popularity, especially veganism. But still some people get confused whether vegan and vegetarian are the same concepts or are there some different factors between them? The concept of vegetarianism came around 700 B.C. whereas veganism got its recognition in recent times. As both the categories can do wonders to human health, let’s discuss what suits you best.
Let’s Talk About: Vegetarians and Vegans
1. Vegetarians- These are people who do not eat any products that come from animal slaughter. Vegetarians avoid animal flesh like meat, pork, crabs and beef etc. But some of the vegetarians do consume products that come from animals like eggs, honey, yogurt etc.
2. Vegans- It is a modified and stricter form of vegetarianism. Vegans strictly avoid any products or by products derived from animals. Some vegans give the reason for veganism that they show love for animals and they stand against the cruelty to animals for food, clothes and many other purposes. They try their best to avoid any kind of product that includes human use of animals. These products can involve- Leather, wool, beeswax, soaps, candles and other products with animal fat.
Types of Vegetarians
Many vegetarians consume byproducts that do not include animal slaughter but involve animals. So there are several well known variations in vegetarian diets. That include:
- Lacto-ovo Vegetarians- People with such variety do not consume animal flesh, meat, chicken etc but do consume dairy products and eggs.
- Lacto-vegetarian- People following this diet do not consume animal flesh and eggs but do consume dairy products.
- Ovo- vegetarians- These people avoid meat, fish and dairy products but consume eggs.
- Pescatarian- People with this diet chart does not include any kind of meat except fish and all other seafood. However this does not even accomplish the definition of vegetarian and so are called semi-vegetarian or flexitarian.
Perks of Being a Vegan and Vegetarian
Experts say that vegan food and vegetarian food gives amazing perks to your health. The plant based diet is also helpful in fighting a lot of health conditions like diabetes, heart diseases, blood pressure and high cholesterol and many more discussed below:
- Eating such a diet reduces the risk of cancer and other dangerous diseases.
- Vegetarian food boosts our immune system and also helps us in fighting health issues.
- Obesity, a concerning cause, which can be resolved by involving these diet charts in your daily life.
- This food diet is also very helpful for pregnant ladies or who are planning a pregnancy because of its nutrients and other benefits.
- Good vegetarian food is a great source of minerals like iron, zinc, calcium etc.
- Comparatively, vegetarian and vegan food is more environmentally friendly than meat-based diet.
- Choosing vegan meat over animal meat shows concern towards the treatment of animals.
Varieties in Vegan Food
Avoiding animal food doesn’t mean you have lost varieties in food. Vegan food offers many varieties of delicious food. Vegan food is now widely spread all over the world, it has made meat substitute which does not include animal flesh but tastes exactly the same. It is basically a plant-based meal.
- Vegan meat- It is called mock meat and plant-based meat that has an approximate taste like the actual animal meat such as mouthfeel, taste, flavor appearance and characteristics. Vegan meat is made up of soya and wheat gluten, pea, mushrooms and other plant based foods. Its high fiber content helps in reducing calories and is good for heart health. One of the famous meats is tofu, it is one of the most famous cuisines in China. Tofu is made with soybean, it is rich in proteins, calcium and iron. Tofu is absolutely free from animal involvement.
- Vegan milk- This milk is made with plant sources, no animals are involved. The plant source of milk is beans, nuts including soya and almonds. It can also be sourced from oats, coconut and even rice. It contains high loads of iron, calcium and vitamin B6. This milk is useful in increasing the strength of bones.
- Vegan cheese- Plant based cheese is made using vegetable proteins and these are 100% animal free. The one noticeable thing about this cheese is that it does not melt as quickly as the original one. Vegan cheese is healthier because it does not have a high amount of fat. This cheese is helpful in reducing the risk of diabetes and heart diseases.
Is Tofu Vegan?
Well, tofu is one of the very known foods that originated from China. Many people question whether tofu is vegetarian or not. It is derived from soya proteins so it is clear that no animal is involved in preparing tofu. Vegan meat is also prepared with tofu. It is free from dairy products, cholesterol, fat and is vegan. So it is beneficial for diet specialists. Tofu is a great factor of nutrition, it keeps your body healthy and fit. It is highly rich in proteins, vitamins and calcium. It contains 9 of the amino acids required for a balanced diet. Several health benefits are consumed through tofu like reducing the risk of cancer, relief from menopause symptoms and stimulating bone formation. It may also help you to get rid from certain allergies.
After all Consideration
All the points and facts we studied suggested that both vegan and vegetarian food are super healthy for any human being. To avoid animal involvement in food is a great step towards showing affection for the environment. Vegetarian and vegan food proves that we can get a good amount of nutrition and proteins from animal-free and dairy-free foods as well. These two categories of diet are believed to be the healthiest to keep our bodies fit and fine.
Frequently Asked Questions
Vegan food does not involve any dairy products that have animal involvement whereas vegetarian food does.
Vegan food is believed to be more impactful in reducing weight than that of vegetarian food.
Soybeans, beans, and almonds are used more frequently to prepare vegan food.
Plant-based meat is very healthy as it is rich in nutrients and helps in keeping our heart healthy with low cholesterol level.
These products can be bought online and also you can find them in your nearby stores.f