What are the causes of Migraine? Signs, Symptoms and Cure

Blogs Nov 01
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Migraine is the primary headache disorder that affects more than one billion people across the world. The causes of migraine include severe pain or a pulse of sensation usually on the one side of the head. It is mostly accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks last for hours to days. This attack is so strong that it can disturb your daily activities.

In many cases aura occurs, and aura is a symptom that happens before or after the attack. It can include disturbances like flashes of light or blind spots and sometimes create problems while speaking. 

What Are the Causes of Migraine?

However, migraine reasons are not clear and understood but genes and environmental changes often play an important role in migraine. Sometimes it occurs when you think too much about certain things and it affects your mental health as well as your lifestyle. Sometimes, a change in your regular schedule can also be a reason for triggering migraines. Not eating enough food and skipping meals might also be the reason for this attack. In some cases, people often get addicted to caffeine which is also responsible for having migraine attacks.

Causes of Migraine

Signs and Symptoms of Migraine

After studying the causes of migraine we should note that most migraine attacks are undiagnosed and untreated because people find it normal to have headaches on a daily basis. You need to take a record of the number of times you had the attacks and also how you resolved them. It is important to consult your doctor because some signs and symptoms might indicate serious problems. Do not ignore the following symptoms and see a health care provider:

  • A blunt headache like a thunderclap.
  • Fever with headache, rigid neck, seizures, numbness, and weakness in the body could be a sign of stroke as well. 
  • Frequent headache after a head injury.
  • Recurring headache that gets worse after sudden head movements, coughing, and exertion.
  • New headache pain after crossing the age of 50.

Four Phases of Migraine

Migraine can target any age group whether it is children, teenagers, or adults. It generally consists of four phases but it is not necessary that a migraine patient will go through all four of them.

1. Prodrome

One or two days before getting a migraine attack you might notice some changes that indicate causes of migraine such as constipation, changes in mood like- depression, irritation, food cravings, yawning frequently, and increased urination. These are the initial symptoms of getting such attacks.

2. Aura

For some people, it occurs before or during the migraine. It affects your nervous system creates disturbances and can last up to 60 minutes. Some examples of getting aura are- vision loss, numbness in the face or on one side of the body, and difficulty speaking.

3. Attack

If you are not taking proper care and ignoring your headache it can occur for 4 to 72 hours. One can get frequent attacks but the number of migraine attacks varies from person to person. During the attack you may face- pain usually on one side of the head and most of the time on both sides, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity from light and sound.

4. Post-drome

After a migraine episode, you may feel drained, confused, and tired. In Some special cases, people get overwhelmed feelings after a migraine attack. But some sudden head movement can bring back the pain.

How Migraine is Triggered?

There are a lot of aspects to keep in mind when it comes to being away from things that are the causes of migraine pains, leading the patient to feel nothing but agitated. Some of the many triggering reasons include the following:

how migraine is triggerd
  • Weather – Change in weather and barometric pressure.
  • Bodily Hormonal Changes – Rise and fall in estrogen, like before and during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause triggers.
  • Change in Sleep Cycle – Not getting enough sleep or getting too much sleep.
  • Drinks – Overconsumption of wines or alcoholic drinks can initiate migraine attacks. In addition, the consumption of caffeinated drinks such as coffee gives rise to these attacks.
  • Stress – Stress not only triggers migraines but also impacts your mental well-being.
  • Medications – Oral contraceptives and vasodilators like nitroglycerin may create a recurrence in the head. 
  • Light and Sound – Sometimes flashlights and loud sound creates irritating surroundings for the neuro system, causing it to trigger sudden migraine pains.

Quick and Easy Home Remedies to Cure Migraine 

Migraines can occur out of nowhere regardless of where you are; at a family gathering or a business event. So, when you are stuck in the middle of such a circumstance, the first question that comes to your mind is “How can I resolve this condition? To ensure that you are in your best health, we have sorted out some easy and quick soothing practices to fight migraine attacks: 

  • Try using relaxation techniques which will teach you some ways to deal with stressful conditions, further reducing the chances of attacks.
  • Developing a good sleep schedule and a proper eating routine is very helpful in eliminating the causes of migraine. 
  • Staying hydrated, and drinking a good amount of water on a time-to-time basis is useful.
  • Keep records of the number of headaches in a paper, it will help you find the reason behind what triggered your headache and what treatment is more effective. It is helpful in tracking the progress between the treatments.
  • Performing daily exercises, especially aerobic exercises and activities such as cycling, walking, swimming, and slow warm-ups fights migraines and reduces tension. 
  • Meditation and Yoga are the most popular activities helpful in many disorders including migraine. Yoga may reduce the frequency and duration of migraines.
  • Consuming herbs, vitamins, and minerals has resulted in a decrease in the number of attacks. Magnesium supplements have been a good source for treating migraines.
  • Taking cognitive behavioral therapies teaches you to deal with certain thoughts and behaviors that affect your migraine attack.

Consult a Doctor 

Even after following and performing the home remedies if you still get migraine attacks then you need to go to your health care provider. He will provide you with some necessary medications to get relief from migraines. It is a concerning issue so it’s better to seek the doctor and try to get rid of such problems which create instability in your life.


After focusing on the aspects of migraine, and learning the facts and causes of migraine, we came to know that it is not a normal disorder, it can create a lot of disturbance in your daily life. It is important to take precautions before the actual issue happens. When you have recognized the problem, the cure is just a few steps away. So, take good care of your health, eat healthy, and avoid any situation that may trigger migraines.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is migraine a serious problem?

If migraine attacks are happening more frequently then it can be a serious issue.

How to get relief from migraine?

By getting proper rest and complete sleep, you can get instant relief from this attack. 

What is the main cause of migraine?

Lack of sleep, skipping meals, and genetics are the main causes of migraine attacks.

What age group is most targeted by migraine?

Teenagers and adults are most likely to suffer from migraine. 

Can migraines be resolved at home?

Yes, effective home remedies can positively impact migraine.

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