20 Types of Tea In India: Reveal The Flavors

The art of India Tea
Blogs Nov 03
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From black tea to yummy masala tea, there are multiple flavors for every tea lover. In India, tea is not just a beverage it’s an emotion for many people irrespective of their age. Additionally, Different types of tea have distinctive qualities that upgrade your lifestyle. Tea becomes a medium to chit-chat with your friends leading to a great way to spend time with your loved ones. 

Tea is a great way to bring people together and have meaningful conversations. Have you ever thought about the different delectable teas we can enjoy in our daily lives? If not, then grasp your tea mug & sip on your favorite tea, and enjoy the scrumptious benefits of tea.

Sip Your Way to Different Types Of Tea In India

The scientific name of tea is Camellia Sinensis. Do you wonder how is tea made? Well, Tea is a very classic and easy recipe to prepare. But first, let’s look forward to the long and beautiful journey of different types of tea (chai). Each tea has its own distinct flavors and features. Numerous teas have unique specialties out there to discuss. Here are some of the interesting variations:

1. Masala Tea

Masala chai is India’s most popular beverage and is loved by each and every one. It is also known as spiced tea which is a delightful blend of black tea, savory spices, milk, and sugar. Masala chai is not just a delicious drink it also offers a range of several health benefits. Ginger in masala tea, for example, helps with digestion and eliminates nausea, cinnamon helps to regulate blood sugar levels, and cloves have antimicrobial properties fighting against infections. Masala chai is deeply inherent in Indian culture. It is often treated as a welcoming gesture for the guests. Go ahead and let masala tea show its magic in your life. 

Masala tea

2. Green Tea

Consisting of all the benefits of tea, Green tea is believed to be a very powerful and refreshing beverage. Green tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. It has a perfect vibrant green color and special taste. Along with the taste it is known for its high content of catechins, a strong antioxidant that protects your body against damage from free radicals. Not only for tea, but green tea extracts are used in dietary supplements, health foods, and cosmetic items. This very simple tea can do wonders for your life in many ways like boosting metabolism and promoting heart health. Also, green tea contains a limited amount of caffeine which boosts energy and keeps you active the whole day.

3. Assam Tea

Assam Tea is one of the most famous types of tea primarily grown near sea level that gives a different flavor compared to other teas grown at higher altitudes. It is also known as Assam black tea, with a strong and bold flavor. You can consume Assam tea in your breakfast to enjoy its goodness. It has a higher caffeine content than other teas. You can also use Assam tea in masala chai to make it more flavored. It provides a gentle energy boost to your body and its antioxidant properties support your overall well-being. Theanine, an amino acid in Assam tea promotes relaxation and reduces mental stress. Its caffeine content increases mental alertness and focus.

Assam tea

4. Darjeeling Tea

Darjeeling tea also known as the “ Champagne of Teas” is a unique-tasting tea that gives an extremely delicate taste to your mouth. It is typically grown in the typical hilly areas of Darjeeling district in West Bengal. Darjeeling tea has an aromatic delicious and refreshing taste. Milk and sweeteners are not added to this tea. It basically is a black tea that contains polyphenols and catechins which are antioxidants that protect the body against free radicals. The interesting fact about this tea is that you cannot grow Darjeeling tea anywhere else in the world but in Darjeeling. This breathtaking tea helps to aid digestion, boost metabolism, and may improve cardiovascular health. 

5. Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus tea is a strong and refreshing herbal drink made from dried petals of the hibiscus flower. It has a tart and fruity flavor packed with antioxidants and various other health benefits. The best part of this delicious beverage is you can enjoy it in both hot and cold form. It is often enjoyed sweetened with honey or served with a splash of lemon. Talking about its numerous benefits hibiscus tea helps in promoting heart health, aiding in stomach discomfort, and supporting good immune function. Enhance your experience with this tangy and mouth-filling taste of hibiscus tea. It is definitely a breathtaking and special brew to include in your daily routine.

6. Blue Tea

Blue tea, also called pea flower tea, is a unique and stunning herbal tea. It naturally infuses the water and gives a vibrant blue color. Blue tea has a woody and earthy flavor and is often loved with freshly squeezed lemon which slightly changes its color into purple. It is believed to be the most attractive and colorful tea in comparison to other types of tea. With its attractive appearance and heavenly taste, blue tea is rich in polyphenols which help in treating Type I diabetes by controlling glucose metabolism in the body. Antioxidants in blue tea protect against oxidative stress and promote healthy skin and hair. Additionally, it helps in regulating blood sugar levels and supports brain health. 

7. Butter Tea

Butter Tea also known as po cha in Tibetan culture is a traditional beverage made by steeping tea with salt and yak butter. It is commonly consumed in Ladakh and the upper reaches of Himachal Pradesh. It helps provide warmth and coziness in cold climates.  A bowl of warm and energetic butter tea will charge your wake state and keep you active for the rest of the day due to its high-calorie energy. It is believed to have several health benefits, such as reducing the risks of heart attacks and strokes, strengthening bone health, and protecting against cancer. Because of its less caffeine content, you can consume blue tea without affecting your nervous system. 

Butter tea

8. Kashmiri Kahwa

A warm cup of Kashmiri Kahwa can do wonders, especially if you have trouble sleeping at night. Kashmiri Kahwa is one of the best traditional tea among the different types of tea in India. It is made with green tea, cinnamon, saffron strands, cardamom, and Kashmiri roses. Kashmiri Kahwa is rich in flavor as it is commonly served with honey, nuts usually almonds. This brew is very beneficial in combating insomnia and anxiety. It offers a range of benefits like aiding digestion, pumping up energy, and promoting overall well-being. Furthermore, the antioxidants present in this tea directly work on the liver and improve purification by flushing out the toxins. 

9. White tea

White tea is known generally for its subtle and delicate taste. It is made from young tea leaves and is lightly processed. It tends to consist of 15-30 mg of caffeine which is much less as compared to other types of tea. The minimal oxidation process helps to preserve the delicate flavor and antioxidants of white tea. This light-flavored tea has various health benefits such as reducing the chances of chronic diseases, improving blood circulation, promoting skin health, and lowering cancer risk. It’s a very amazing option if you are searching for a light and delightful tea to keep your overall health in check. 

10. Black Tea

Like green and oolong tea, black tea comes from the Camellia Sinensis plant. This tea generally contains higher caffeine content in comparison to other teas, making it an excellent choice for a morning energy boost. You can enhance your taste with a wide range of flavors from malty to fruity and many others. The moderate amount of caffeine in black tea improves focus, alertness, and cognitive function. The tea is low in calories, especially when consumed without sugar. Adding other spices like ginger and cinnamon with a pinch of lemon juice can magnify your taste buds. With its popularity, black tea is filled with many health benefits like protecting your heart health, lowering cancer risk, and diminishing the risk of diabetes. 

Black tea

11. Yellow Tea

It is the rarest category of tea in the world, yellow tea is a lesser-known type of tea that is now gaining popularity. It has a distinct flavor because it undergoes a different processing method involving some gentle steaming and roasting process. Yellow tea is one of the other types of tea made from the Camellia Sinensis tea plant. When compared to green tea, yellow tea is much smoother and easier on the stomach. With remarkable flavor and texture, consuming yellow tea daily helps delay the signs of aging, promoting healthy metabolism, and improving dental health. 

12. Lemongrass Tea

Lemongrass is a herb that people love to enjoy as tea. It’s a refreshing and aromatic tea known for its citrusy taste and several health benefits. People often use this herb in their dishes like soups and stir-fries. Adding a touch of honey to your lemongrass tea will give delicious and extra sweetness. Lemongrass tea is filled with potassium which helps in lowering blood pressure levels. Consumption of lemongrass tea on an empty stomach reduces the levels of bad cholesterol in your body. Like other benefits of tea, the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of this tea fight against different bacteria and fungi. Also, making lemongrass your part of the diet provides anxiety-reducing properties. 

13. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is popular for its minty and mildly sweet taste. It is all packed with soothing properties. You can drink it as often as you like because it is a caffeine-free beverage. Peppermint tea is made from the peppermint plant which is a hybrid species of mint and spearmint. If you love minty flavors then you will definitely enjoy drinking peppermint tea. It is mostly consumed for its potential benefits such as soothing headaches, relieving stress, and easing digestive issues. Also, peppermint tea has shown results in improving breath by killing off the germs that lead to bad breath.

14. Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is an herbal beverage known for its warm and aromatic flavor. People have enjoyed this tea for centuries to treat illness. Ginger tea is always appreciated for its ability to boost the immune system and provide calming effects to your body. It contains gingerol and zingerone that reduce inflammation in your body and deal with the biological mechanism that stores and burns fat. Ginger tea is a refreshing and comforting drink, especially during winter, when you are packed under the blanket. The versatility of ginger will force you to sip on a warm cup of ginger tea daily. Additionally, ginger tea in your balanced diet will encourage weight loss, help ease motion sickness, and recover from fever and cold. 

Ginger tea

15. Tandoori Chai

Tandoori Chai! That sounds absolutely captivating. It is a unique and flavourful crush on traditional chai. In tandoori chai, it is prepared by boiling it in a clay pot known as tandoor. The smokiness in tandoori chai is its unique quality and its distinct taste. It is always served in Kulhad which is pre-heated in tandoor. Its remarkable flavor is made of cinnamon, clove, mint, sugar, and milk. Tandoori chai is very popular in some regions of India, especially in Delhi and Mumbai’s street stalls. This popular beverage is usually enjoyed during chilly evenings as it gives warmth, comfort, and refreshment. 

REMEMBER- Tandoori chai is exclusively valued for its taste, rather than any specific health benefit.

16. Cinnamon Tea

With its delicious taste, cinnamon tea is made from the inner bark of a cinnamon tree. You can easily prepare this tea by adding a cinnamon stick to the boiling water. This warm and spicy flavorful tea leads to weight loss and reduction in waist fat. You can add a touch of honey and freshly squeezed lemon to enhance your taste buds. Not only does it have a delicate and juicy taste but it offers a range of health benefits like its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help in reducing the symptoms of menstrual cramps, preserves brain function, and even protect against HIV.

17. Raspberry Leaf Tea

Raspberry-leaf tea is a great choice to incorporate in your life. It is made from the leaves of the raspberry plant. This herbal tea has been used for years to treat some ailments help labor and assist childbirth. It is a good source of vitamins E, C, and iron. People often enjoy it for its mild and pleasant flavor. Raspberry tea is usually linked with pregnancy and women’s health as it promotes uterine health and supports a healthy and effective pregnancy. Women often drink it during the third trimester to prepare for childbirth. The daily dose of raspberry tea improves metabolism and contributes to weight loss. To improve the body composition it is mostly served as a detoxifying supplement. 

18. Blooming Tea

Blooming tea is also known as flowering tea, it is produced by binding tea leaves and flowers together. It is one of the unique types of tea that is made by the artisans. Flowers like jasmine, marigold, and lily are dried to prepare a delicious blooming tea. These flowers give a floral display that makes your tea look glorious. Apart from its attractive look, it has a special and aromatic flavor. Along with its taste and appearance blooming tea is a great source of antioxidants that fight against free radicals, its ingredients on the other hand promote relaxation and soothe anxiety. If Jasmin is added to this tea, it has a positive impact on mood and stress levels. 

19. Nilgiri Tea

The elegant and beautiful hills of Nilgiri are home to tea gardens that create a luscious cup of tea. Nilgiri tea is produced in the cool and high altitudes of Nilgiri hills. It is enjoyed for its bright and energetic flavor. This golden yellow-colored tea is sweet, fruity, and smooth in flavor. Nilgiri tea is a versatile tea that is mostly loved with a splash of milk in it whereas one can enjoy it plain. If you are struggling with digestion, consuming Nilgiri tea after your meal can relax your stomach. Flavonoids and amino acids like L-theanine can improve blood flow and help calm the mind. Moreover, the anti-bacterial properties protect your cells from strain and pollution. 

Nilgiri Tea

20. Kangra Tea

Kangra Tea is typically grown in the foothills of Kangra district in Himachal Pradesh. It is well-known for its quality, special aroma, and fruity flavor. In terms of flavor, it is a little milder than Darjeeling tea. The beautiful climate and soil quality in the Kangra region contribute to tea’s distinctive taste. Drinking Kangra tea regularly positively impacts your heart health, by reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It can also help in promoting health gut health and keep nerve activity in position. Kangra tea contains up to 3 percent of caffeine which is a moderate amount but it still provides a gentle energy boost.

Advantages of Different Tea Varieties

After exploring the numerous types of tea and their flavor and aroma, each tea has its own unique characteristics and potential health benefits. It is always a good option to take a tour of every different tea. Some of the advantages of tea are:

1. Act as a Great Conversation Starter

Tea is widespread as a social drink, mostly when you are attending tea ceremonies or tea dates. In India, the maximum population is tea lovers and has a very interesting history of bringing social connections together. Even strangers create a familiar environment by sharing a cup of tea. Tea helps in starting a healthy conversation with strangers. It gives you a chance to sit, relax, and gossip with your loved ones. Tea parties and tea dates are popular gatherings where friends and family come together and connect more strongly and affectionately. 

2. Supports Weight Management

The antioxidant content of green tea promotes weight loss. Caffeine and a type of flavonoid called catechins speed up the metabolism and help break down excess fat that directly contributes to losing weight. The qualities of green tea also regulate nutrient absorption of carbohydrates and curb appetite. Cinnamon tea on the other hand has properties that regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity which can aid in burning calories.

3. Helps to Remove Toxins

Herbal teas like green tea, dandelion tea, and ginger tea play a vital role in detoxifying your body. These teas act as a support system in the body’s natural detox processes and help in flushing out toxins. By maintaining overall well-being the potential diuretic properties of these teas allow the kidney and liver to eliminate waste and keep you hydrated the whole day. 

4. Work as a Quick Stress Reliever

Tea is the best choice and is a great way to find quick relief from stress and anxiety. The warm and aromatic effect of tea can soothe your mind and body. Peppermint tea and lemon tea have natural properties like L-theanine, an amino acid that has calming effects on the brain. Catechins and caffeine in tea can make your mind active, and energetic, and help in focus on the present moment.

5. It Maximises Physical Activities

Green tea contains antioxidants called catechins that boost exercise endurance, the caffeine content in tea increases attentiveness and wakefulness. Tea can help you perform better during exercises and workouts. Also, the inflammatory properties help in quick recovery from the injuries. The hydration provided by different herbal teas can improve overall physical performance by maintaining proper fluid balance in the body.

6. Herbal Tea Soothes Digestive System

People with irritable bowel syndrome can make herbal tea their daily consumption. Dandelion, ginger, and peppermint tea have amazing properties that can promote digestion and give relief to stomach discomfort. Herbal tea is a good idea to relax and unwind after your dinner. These teas relax the muscles in the gastrointestinal tract and reduce spasms. Ginger tea contains a carminative substance that eliminates gas and maintains a healthy digestive function.

7. Helps to Prevent Bone Loss

Phytoestrogen and fluoride are the properties in tea that help to maintain bone mineral density. Black tea contains flavonoids which has resulted in bone health benefits. These compounds stimulate the formation of new bone cells and inhibit the breakdown of existing bone tissue. As we already know tea is a good source of hydration which is a very important factor in maintaining overall bone health. 

8. It Promotes Skin Health

Tea helps to improve skin hydration and elasticity, giving you an attractive and radiant complexion. Tea polyphenols are present in different types of tea that improve skin microcirculation. Peppermint tea eliminates hormonal acne and soothes and calms the skin from irritation and redness. The properties of white tea help to prevent skin aging and prevent collagen.

Green Tea

9. May Develop Oral Health

Green and black tea is a good source of fluoride that helps in fighting bacteria and reduces the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. The compounds of tea may also restrict the growth of harmful oral bacteria, contributing to a healthier mouth. Also, the phenolic compound of tea prevents plaque build-up and helps to freshen breath.

NOTE- Try enjoying your tea without adding sugar or sweeteners as they can cause dental issues.

10. Helps You Recover From Fever & Cold

Herbal teas have always worked as a home remedy to treat illness. Green tea, peppermint tea, and lemongrass tea contain soothing properties that help to alleviate cognition, blocked throat, and cough. Ginger tea is well-known for its calming effect. For better results, people often add honey to teas which further treats cough and provides relief from cold.

How is Tea Made? Easy Peasy Steps of Indian Masala Tea

Tea is an aromatic and flavorful drink, there are a lot of benefits of tea that you can incorporate into your daily life. Only a few quick steps are involved in preparing a mouth-watering delicious tea:

  • Start by boiling water in a non-stick pan.
  • Add tea leaves or tea bags to the pan. The amount of tea depends on how strongly you prefer to drink your tea.
  • Add spices like cloves, elaichi, ginger, or cinnamon sticks to make it more flavored and effective. Also. you can sugar you love sweet tea.
  • Simmer it for 5-7 minutes so that the flavors are completely infused.
  • Add milk to your pan and milk quantity also depends upon your preference. Some people prefer extra milk for a creamier and thicker taste.
  • Keep stirring the tea and don’t let it boil over. 
  • Once you notice tea has your desired color and flavor, remove it from the stove.
  • Strain the tea into your favorite cups to remove solids from the tea.
  • Enjoy your heavenly hot and tempting cup of Indian Tea.

Keep in Mind: Health Risks of Enjoying Myriad Types of Tea

The taste of tea attracts everyone and also fulfills their taste buds. You only look at the brighter side but it is also important to know some of its possible health risks:

  • Teas like green tea and black tea contain caffeine, and excessive consumption may create issues like insomnia, increased heart rate, or anxiety attacks.
  • Some teas, especially sugar-added tea can strain your teeth over time. Regular brushing may help in improving this effect.
  • Some people may have allergies or sensitivities to specific tea or specific content involved in tea, so it’s better to avoid it before facing any bad reaction.
  • Sometimes tannins, a compound found in teas can interfere with certain medications and can negatively impact your health.
  • Milk content in teas can lead to digestive problems like stomach discomfort, nausea, and acidity problems. 


Tea is a remarkable beverage with a variety of different flavors and health benefits. Multiple types of tea like masala tea, green tea, Assam tea, or black tea, each type has its own different advantages. The natural properties of these tea supports your well-being. Although it’s important to note that moderation is the key, excessive amounts may create a mess. However, tea is a good option to maintain a balanced diet. So, enjoy your cup of tea and say cheers to all the worries.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of tea in your daily life?

Tea is a great addition to your life, the scientific name of tea is Camellia Sinensis. It brings a sense of relaxation and cheer, especially when you are mentally tired.

How many types of tea in India are enjoyed?

There are numerous tea types enjoyed in India. Each tea has different flavors and advantages. Some popular tea you can find beneficial are Assam tea, Darjeeling tea, Masala tea, and Nilgiri tea.

What are the potential risks of tea?

Content like caffeine and tannins in tea interacts with medications and leads to issues like insomnia, stress, and an increase in heart rates.

How does tea contribute to skin health? 

Tea improves skin hydration and elasticity for example peppermint tea eliminates hormonal acne and soothes skin irritation.

What are the health benefits of green tea?

The antioxidants of green tea protect your cells from damage and help boost metabolism promoting weight management.

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